
Winter Tree Care

Winter Tree Care

Winter Tree Care

What services are good to do in the winter?

Winter tree care is important, However, many people do not think about their landscape or trees during the winter. It is a great time to get your landscape and trees ready for the spring. Plus, we offer a winter discount. What could be better? Same great service at a lower price.

Remove Dead Trees

Winter is always a great time to remove dead trees. Tree care requires maintaining a safe environment for people and preventing damage. Dead trees do not go away. They continue to decay over time. Consequently, they become more dangerous and difficult to remove. If they fall, they may cause significant damage to property and landscape.

Clean up Debris

Winter tree care includes cleaning up wooded areas. Decaying deadfall and limbs rot and harbor a variety of insects. In the winter, undergrowth is dormant. This makes it easier to access deadfall and other debris.

Trim, Thin, & Shape

Winter tree care includes trimming, thinning, and shaping. Trees are dormant in the winter. This makes it a great time to do preventative maintenance. When they return to life in the spring, they will be ready for new growth and look beautiful.


Winter tree care also includes fertilizing trees. Late fall, winter, or early spring are the best times to fertilize struggling trees. Fertilizer is administered to the soil. It leaches out and provides nutrients to the trees. They use these nutrients when they grow in the spring. Contact us for an assessment on a struggling tree.

Repair Storm Damage

Finally, winter tree care includes cleaning up and repairing damage from ice, snow, and wind storms. Broken or hanging branches need to be removed. Tears in tree trunks are more detrimental to tree growth than clean cuts. Broken branches can cause additional damage. Hanging branches are a safety hazard.

Contact Us!

Winter services include a winter discount. Call for a free estimate or consultation. (703) 450-1898