Cranes and Tree Removal

This tree is quite large and in a public area with surrounding structures. The crane allows us to cut the tree into large chunks and lower them gently to the ground right next to the wood chipper. Trees like to grow anywhere they can and don’t care what else is around. If we’re lucky, trees […]

Giving Back to the Community

We have been running Vic’s Tree Service for a long time. Businesses that endure through many years evolve over time. Of course the size of the business has changed over the years. Our core values of quality and safety have always been consistent and so has Vic’s love for sports and baseball. Vic’s Tree Service […]

Trunk Wounds

How do trunk wounds affect my tree? We consistently get questions regarding flaws in tree trunks and their safety. Highly simplified, the bark protects the cambium layer. This layer is the tree’s vascular system and is the pathway for movement of water and other nutrients. When wounds penetrate through the bark and into the cambium, […]