Stump Removal Services
Stump removal is a service that we provide almost on a daily basis. Besides aesthetics are the main reason clients want to remove a stump. Also, sometimes we suggest removing a stump because the tree species will re-shoot from the stump. Finally, sometimes people want to replace the tree that they lost. Cost is the factor that usually determines whether clients choose to remove a stump or not. Read below to explore the factors that determine how much it costs to remove a stump.

Factors That Increase the Cost of Stump Removal
Size & Wood Hardness
First, and probably most obvious, is the size of the stump. The main reason is that they take longer to grind out. As a result, they cause more wear on the machine. Second is the type of tree. Woods have different hardness. You can check out this blog post on wood hardness. Harder woods take longer to grind than softer woods. Harder woods also cause more wear on the machine.
Root Structure
Third is the root structure of the tree. Some trees have trunks that do not flare. The picture on the left shows a tree with little trunk root flare. To clarify, it has plenty of roots extending from the trunk, they are just not large and above ground. Conversely, other tree trunks have large, obvious root flares. The photo on the right shows a beech tree with a large root flare. To complicate things more, some trees have a lot of large surface roots. We know that most of a tree’s roots are close to the surface, but usually the larger ones are well below the surface. Some soil conditions encourage large surface root growth. Additionally, some species of trees are known for surface roots.
Location & Structures
Fourth is the location. Stumps in open areas with easy access clearly make our job easier. If the stump is located in the back yard, up a hill, along winding path made of pavers from Italy, and hidden amongst expensive landscape plantings, then it costs more money. Sometimes we put special mats down to move the machine along. Certainly, being careful takes more time. However, we pride ourselves with completing jobs safely, so this is part of a day’s work.
Finally, proximity to structures is also a factor. Sometimes we have to erect barriers to protect structures from the debris generated by stump grinding. If a stump is directly against a wall or permanent structure, we may not be able to remove it. The cutter head on the stump machine is quite large. A certain radius around the stump must be clear for us to safely grind the stump.
The Right Type of Equipment
We use a stump grinder to remove the unwanted stump. Many of these jobs are to remove a stump that is right near a home, or fence line. In these cases, care must be taken not to destroy the surrounding features.
Surface Root Exposure
Stumps are not the only thing that may need to be ground! We often get calls about surface roots that have spread across an area that need to be removed in order to plant the area, or just to improve the looks.
Learn about roots. Check out these blog posts
Experienced Professionals
We can handle most any stump removal job, so please just give us a call to discuss your needs and get an experienced pro out to your home for an estimate.

Uprooted stump before tree and stump removal