We have been running Vic's Tree Service for a long time. Businesses that endure through many years evolve over time. Of course the size of the business has changed over the years. Our core values of quality and safety have always been consistent and so has Vic's love for sports and baseball. Vic's Tree Service continues to support athletic events, and Vic personally gives back to the community by volunteering. We truly are a small town business in a large metropolitan area. For us, with client support, it works.

Rescuing Cats
In the early years, we would help rescue cats from trees. We helped a lot of homeowners safely get their pets out of dangerous situations.
Great Falls Little League
For many years, Vic coached teams for Great Falls Little League. In 1999, the parents of Great Falls Little League were instrumental in getting Vic voted as Little League Volunteer of the Year for his work with Great Falls Little League. What an honor!

Arm Wrestling
Another little known fact about Vic is that he loves arm wrestling. HIs good friend, Dave Patton, is an arm wrestling legend. He used to arm wrestle in tournaments, but now just periodically sponsors an event. The sport is still near and dear to him, but not as important as baseball!
Assistant Baseball Coach
Vic continues to support baseball. He has been an assistant coach at Langley High School Baseball Team since 2006.

Rotary Club Award
Recently Vic received an award from the Rotary Club of McLean for his continued service to the community.
Join Vic's Tree Service and consider volunteering somewhere in the community. Whether it is with little league, high school sports, or with underprivileged youth, giving back to the community is a way to pay it forward.