
Flowering Dogwood – Cornus florida L.

Pink Flowering Dogwood

Most Virginians know that the Flowering Dogwood is the state tree of Virginia. Coincidentally, the flower is the state flower of Virginia. However, Virginia is not the only state that honors this tree. It is the state tree of Missouri and New Jersey. It is also the state flower on North Carolina. And guess what? It is native to eastern North America! It is endemic to most of the eastern United States. Cultivars are planted in many areas for ornamental use.

General Characteristics of Flowering Dogwood Trees

Flowering Dogwood trees are a small to medium size tree when fully mature. They grow to heights of about 30’ at maturity. Flowering Dogwoods can live 80 years in good conditions. Trunk diameters in older, mature tree are up to a foot. The tree is usually comprised of several leads off the main shorter trunk. Leaves are alternate on the stems. They range from 3-6 inches long. The silvery colored bark is deeply furrowed. Early settlers called the tree “dagwood”. They used the wood to make daggers and spears.

White Flowering Dogwood

Wild Dogwood

Dogwood Flowers & Fruit

The flowers are showy. They average around 3” in diameter. The four petals are not really petals. They are bracts that cover the interior petals. Each bract has a distinctive notch at the apex. Most of the wild dogwood flowers are white. Cultivars can be white to pink or almost red. Green berries turn into shiny, red berries in the fall. The berries, or drupes, play an important role in the environment. First, they are food for many birds. Also, they are larval hosts for many moth species.

Where do Dogwoods Grow Best?

Flowering Dogwoods like part to full shade. Trees in shady locations are taller, less dense, and produce fewer flowers.

They may tolerate full sun in northern locations.  Trees in sunny locations are bushier and produce more flowers.

They also like well drained soils that are moist. Young trees do not tolerate drought at all. Like many trees, older trees are stressed in drought conditions.

Their preference is for acidic soils.

Wild trees typically grow on forest or stream edges.

State Flower of Virginia



First, if you want to learn about state symbols, visit State Symbols USA.

Second, as usual, the USDA NRCS Plant Guides are always excellent resources. The one on Cornus florida L. is very thorough.

Finally, Brighter Blooms.com sells Dogwood trees, Redbuds, and many other flowering plants.