Line of Invasive Plant Species

Invasive Plant Species

There are invasive plant species everywhere. I decided to write about the characteristics of invasive species to increase awareness of the issue. However, first I had to find a good definition. Read on to find out more. Definition Well like other scientific definitions, there are lots of variations of the definition. As a result, here […]

Two Common Mullein Plants

Common mullein (Verbascum thapsus)

Common mullein is not a weed. I thought that it probably was a weed. I see it growing along the edges of a hay field. This is a typical place to find it. Read on to learn more about this pretty plant that is not a weed, is actually a medicinal herb, and is not […]

Wild Violets

Wild Violet – Viola soroia

Wild violet flowers are these sweet little deep, purple flowers that grow close to the ground. I thought that they were weeds, but actually they are not weeds. Read on to find out more about these lovely little plants. Physical Characteristics of Wild Violet, Viola soroia Wild Violet leaves are bright, grass, green. They are […]


Mint: Garden Plant and Edible Herb

Mint is a great plant to keep in a pot or plant in your garden. I love spring when it is time to get new annuals, but I also love having a few perennials that come back every year. This plant is a perfect perennial for your garden, plus it has numerous possible health benefits. […]

Stink Bug

Stink Bug Info

If you live in Northern Virginia, I am sure that you may have a stink bug or two at your house. Stink bugs are an invasive species from Asia. They accidentally came to the United States in the 1990s. There are numerous invasive plants in the area. I should not be surprised that there are […]

Tree Gall

Galls on Trees

Galls on trees are relatively common. They actually occur on all sorts of plants; however, I’m going to focus on trees. Of course, there is some crossover between plant and tree galls. Read more to find out some general information about galls. What do galls look like? Galls are abnormal growths that occur on limbs, […]