Caribou in Alaska

Caribou – Rangifer tarandus

Caribou are common in Alaska with their numbers in the hundreds of thousands. This makes seeing them probably not a big deal for native Alaskans. For visitors like me, who want to see wildlife, it is always thrilling to see a wild animal in the wild. These photos were taken off the Dalton Highway past […]

Alaska tundra hiking

Hiking Alaska – Tussocks

If you read my blog at all, you know that I try to visit Alaska every year. Most of Alaska is trail-less. Adding to the adventure, Alaska is big. As a newbie, you can look across a valley and think, we can get there by the end of the day. Then you realize, that in […]

James W. Dalton Highway

James W. Dalton Highway

The James W. Dalton Highway, which is known as the Dalton Highway, is a dirt, gravel and partially paved highway that runs south from Prudhoe Bay at the Arctic Ocean to Livengood, Alaska. It provides access to the Trans-Alaska pipeline, and it is a supply route for truckers going to the oil fields. It is […]

Trans-Alaska Pipeline

Trans-Alaska Pipeline System

The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) is also known as the Alyeska Pipeline, the Alaska Pipeline, or by locals the pipeline. You might wonder why I chose to write about the pipeline. At Vic’s Tree Service, we love nature. The pipeline runs through pristine wilderness. and as a result, is sometimes a controversial issue. Knowledge is […]