Hauling Wood Debris for Disposal

Wood Debris Disposal

Wood debris disposal is a part of our everyday operations. I doubt most people consider the implications of disposing of wood chips, rotten and diseased wood, and large logs. They just magically disappear from the job site. Some clients think that we sell their wood and make lots of money. This is not the case. […]

Cutting Tree Roots

Cutting Tree Roots – What Really Happens?

We get calls all the time asking about cutting tree roots. You are probably wondering why is there a picture of a gravel road and a tree down? Well this tree provides a great example of what happens when tree roots are cut. Read on to find out more.

Identifying Deadwood in Winter

How to Identify Deadwood in the Winter

Winter is a great time to get deadwood removed. I am sure many people wonder how to identify deadwood in the winter. When a hardwood tree or branch is dead in the summer, it doesn’t have any leaves. Deciduous trees do not have leaves in the winter, therefore leaves can’t be used to determine deadwood. […]

Japanese Barberry

Japanese Barberry ~ Berberis thunbergii

Japanese Barberry or, Berberis thunbergii, is native to Japan and the eastern part of Asia. In the fall, it is beautiful. It turns a bright crimson red, Unfortunately, it’s highly invasive. I saw these on the C & O Canal trail. At first, I thought it was burning bush, which is another invasive species. However, […]

Wilderness Sign Steamboat Springs CO

Mica Basin Trail – Mt. Zirkel Wilderness

On a recent trip to Steamboat Springs Colorado, I hiked almost everyday. Getting outside and moving is so good for the soul. The Mica Basin Trail is located at the end of Seedhouse Road. The area is rather crowded, but few people hike this particular trail. Beginning of Mica Basin Trail The Mica Basin Trail […]

Black slime on Trees

Black Slime on Trees: Bacterial Wetwood or Slime Flux

It is not uncommon to see black slime on a tree trunk. I’ve done lot’s of posts on trunk wounds and how they can be an indicator of root or tissue problems. I was out walking a couple of weeks ago. I heard a loud crash close by. On my way home, I saw what […]