Dead Tree

Why remove a dead tree? Factors to consider

Ever wonder when to remove a dead tree? There are several less than obvious reasons to consider when deciding when to remove a dead tree. Read below to consider some of these reasons. They are not as obvious as you might think. Reasons Why to Remove a Dead Tree First, dead trees eventually drop many, […]

Roasted Walnuts

Walnut Nutrition

Walnut ‘s nutrition profile might be one of the reasons why walnuts are a popular nut. Just how popular they are is difficult to determine. The internet did not provide any great resources for current walnut production or consumption. Most of the data was old, as a result, I am leaving those statistics out. Read […]

Ocean Spray Cranberries

Nutritional Benefits of Cranberries

The benefits of cranberries are sometimes not obvious. They are a small, sour and bitter berry that is not talked about much. During the winter holiday season someone usually serves cranberries. Most people associate cranberries with the dreaded cranberry sauce; however, cranberries are much more versatile then just for sauce. The nutritional benefits of cranberries […]

English Ivy and Ivy in General

English Ivy

English Ivy is a very common plant. It is native to Europe. As a result, it is an invasive species. It provides a great, green carpet of foliage; however, it has some drawbacks. There are many kinds of ivy. They all have some specific characteristics in common. Read on to find out the pros and […]

Tree Diversity

Tree Diversity

I wonder how much tree diversity is on the earth? I usually frequent a forest dominated by large Beech and Sycamore trees. Although they dominate this forest, fall leaves tell a different story. I want to learn more about how many tree species there are. I did some research, and I found some great resources. […]

When to Plant Trees

When to Plant Trees and Shrubs

Whenever you are considering making changes to your landscape, you should consider when is the best time to plant trees and shrubs. Late this past spring, I had to change some landscaping quickly. There was no option to choose the optimal time to plant. Hopefully this post will help others to make wise planting decisions, […]