Seems like a small patch of Bamboo

Bamboo – Another Invasive Species

Bamboo is another invasive species. Certainly, that is not a surprise. We have been in this business for years. I know that it is very difficult to remove. Somehow, we ended up with a patch of it. The photo above is the initial patch. Within a couple of years (see photo below), it extended over […]

Stinging Nettle on the Trail

Stinging Nettle – Urtica dioica

I love to go hiking or trail running. I get irritated when I brush up against stinging nettle. I’ve hiked long enough to know better. I’ll be more aware now that I’ve written this post. Find out more, and maybe you can avoid the sting too. Origins: Native and Introduced Stinging nettles are an herbaceous […]

Mountain Laurel Beautiful but Deadly

Mountain Laurel – Kalmia latifolia

Mountain Laurel is native to the Eastern United States. I recently noticed it because it is blooming. We have lots of laurel on our property near Charlottesville. It’s not quite as abundant in Northern Virginia. Look for it next time you are hiking. It stands out in the forest for its unique growth patterns. Find […]

Example of Vegetation Changes Towards the Tree Line

Timberline or Tree Line – The place where the trees end.

If you hike or enjoy the mountains, I bet you have noticed tree lines. Sometimes they are called timberlines. They are the place on a mountain where trees stop growing. I became interested when I read the sign in the photo to the left. We were far up the Dalton Highway enjoying the amazing tundra. […]

Eastern Redbud Flowers

Eastern Redbud – Cercis canadensis L.

The spring of 2020 was precarious for human beings. However, trees seemed to fair well. Many tree species produced prolific amounts of blossoms. The Eastern Redbud was no exception. The bright magenta flowers were spectacular. Learn more about these unique trees. A Little History – Eastern Redbud The tree is native to the eastern and […]

White honeysuckle flowers with pollen and stamen.

Japanese Honeysuckle – Lonicera japonica

Well to my dismay, another invasive species. Ever remember pulling the center out of a honeysuckle flower to get the nectar? Most likely it was Japanese Honeysuckle or Lonicera japonica. Read more to find out about Japanese Honeysuckle an aggressive invasive species. History of Japanese Honeysuckle There are species of honeysuckle that are native to […]