Buttercups - Ranunculus bulbosus

Buttercups – Ranunculus bulbosus

Buttercups are a pretty little yellow flower that pops up every spring. They are in yards before the grass is cut. These little yellow flowers are also frequently in open fields and meadows. There are several species of Buttercups. The ones in these photos are Ranunculus bulbosus. Read more to find out some interesting facts […]

Tree Pollen on the Trail

Tree Pollen

Spring brings new life to plants. New plant growth brings pollen. This trail is covered in pollen. Tree pollen is just one of many types of pollen. There is also grass and weed pollen. Spring is not the only season when pollen is produced. Depending on where you live, you maybe impacted by different types […]

Wild Blue Phlox

Wild Blue Phlox – Phlox divaricata

I love spring. Plants are waking up. Wild Blue Phlox (Phlox divaricata) is blooming in the woods right now. It produces a delicate beautiful blueish purple flower. Read on to learn more about this pretty native plant. Physical Characteristics of Wild Blue Phlox The flowers are blue to violet to purple. This seems to be […]

Two Earthworms

Earthworms and the Soil

Earthworms in the soil are one of those simple organisms that we take for granted. They are one indicator of soil quality. Anyone can check for earthworms. Just get something to dig with. Turn over a few inches of soil. If they are there, hey are easy to find. Their presence indicates a living breathing […]

Frog in the Environment

Frogs and the Environment

Frogs are an important part of the environment. Almost everyone learns about the frog lifecycle in school. Frogs are more than just a good example of an interesting lifecycle. Frogs are indicators of a health environment. Plus, they are an important part of the natural environment. Read more to learn about why frogs are so […]

Tree Bloooms

Signs of Spring

We are so lucky to live in an area where there are 4 distinct seasons. The changing of the seasons signals a transition to the next phase. Signs of spring always make me feel energized. Read more to remind yourself of the wonders of the change from winter to spring. Contrived Signs of Spring In […]