This tree is quite large and in a public area with surrounding structures. The crane allows us to cut the tree into large chunks and lower them gently to the ground right next to the wood chipper.
When do we use a crane?
Trees like to grow anywhere they can and don’t care what else is around. If we’re lucky, trees grow in open areas with plenty of space around them, making trimming or removal easy.
But what if they are in a tight areas and have buildings or delicate landscaping surrounding them? Sometimes the tree is too big, or the job is too complicated to justify the amount of time it would take to remove the tree in manageable pieces. Not to mention having to avoid damaging surrounding property.
This is where the crane comes in! A crane truck can be driven close to the location, then reach over delicate structures, landscaping, etc, and carefully remove large pieces of the tree at a time. It then places them down gently in a safe location. It's pretty amazing really.

You can see the crane and bucket truck are in position to begin removing the above tree.
Why do we use a crane?
At Vic’s, we prioritize safety and cost when assessing a job. Cranes are not needed often, but when they are, they are chosen because they provide a safer and more efficient way to complete the work. On average, a single day with a crane costs less than two days of work without one, but can get the same, if not more work done.

The first cut can be seen above. With the crane, we are able to remove
nearly a quarter the tree with a single cut.

The crane is gently setting down over half of one of the leads from this tree.

The crew is able to load this entire lead into the wood chipper at once with the help of the crane.
A job that would have otherwise taken multiple cuts and hand loading.

The crane and bucket trucks are in position to remove most of the second lead.

You can see where the second cut has been made. A sizable piece of the tree is being removed at once by the crane.

This isn't a tree in the parking lot, it's the entire top of the tree being removed! The perspective is impressive when sitting next to the chipper. That same piece would have taken multiple cuts and many trips to lower and remove from the property if done by hand.